Saturday, May 13, 2023

 The Pursuit of Happiness: Finding Tranquility Within


Happiness is a universal desire that has driven human actions throughout history. We are motivated by two fundamental impulses: the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of sorrow. We seek joy through various means, such as acquiring wealth, possessions, engaging in enjoyable activities, and forming loving relationships. Simultaneously, we strive to steer clear of physical pain, betrayal, poverty, fear, and other sources of sorrow. In our quest for happiness, we have witnessed remarkable milestones in human progress, from ancient discoveries like fire-making to modern marvels like space exploration and medical advancements. However, with the abundance of physical comforts and conveniences available today, it is worth pondering whether we are truly happier or if the correlation between material possessions and happiness has diminished.

The Illusion of Happiness in External Objects

Research indicates that beyond a certain point, increased wealth does not lead to increased happiness. It is crucial to identify the true source of happiness. We commonly believe that the joy we experience stems from the sensory pleasures provided by external objects. We think it lies in beautiful music for our ears, soothing creams for our skin, or exciting shapes for our eyes. Consequently, we incessantly pursue more and more objects that gratify our senses. Yet, many individuals find that their happiness does not grow proportionally to the wealth they accumulate.

The State of Mind and the Pursuit of Happiness

If happiness were truly contained within the objects themselves, every object would offer the same amount of joy to all who encountered it. However, this is not the case. Consider the example of a person smoking a cigar. While one individual may find immense pleasure in it, another might detest the experience. This disparity highlights the fallacy of associating happiness solely with external objects. Instead, happiness resides within our state of mind.

Tranquility as the Measure of Happiness

Our mental state determines our happiness. When the mind is agitated, we experience sorrow and anxiety. Conversely, when the mind is tranquil, we feel joy. Therefore, the measure of happiness lies in the tranquility of our minds. Although contact with sense objects can sometimes induce temporary tranquility, it is essential to recognize that such moments are fleeting. Acquiring a new car or the latest iPhone may provide a temporary sense of contentment, but it does not offer lasting happiness.

Discovering the Real Joy of Living

True happiness can only be found by quieting the mind. Once we master the art of calming our minds, we no longer feel compelled to pursue external objects for peace and happiness. Instead, we learn to live in a state of permanent happiness that remains unaffected by our environment or circumstances. This state of being offers true fulfillment and contentment.

The Formula for Happiness

Happiness can be understood through a simple formula: Happiness = (Number of desires fulfilled) / (Number of desires entertained). We can increase our happiness by either fulfilling more desires or reducing the number of desires we entertain. Fulfilling existing desires helps to quiet the agitation created by unmet desires. Simultaneously, entertaining fewer desires reduces the restlessness in our minds. In either case, it is the lessening of mental agitation that brings about tranquility and, consequently, happiness.


In conclusion, let us strive to discover happiness within ourselves and learn to quiet our minds in the pursuit of lasting contentment. While external objects may provide temporary pleasure, true happiness resides in the state of mind we cultivate. By embracing tranquility and diminishing the restlessness caused by unfulfilled desires, we can attain a state of permanent happiness independent of external factors. So, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, finding the joy that resides within us.
